Well, Well, Well, over here at SOS we are proud to announce our blog is now up an running...finally!
After many delays and mishaps, mainly due to my inept abilty at undestanding the, now simple, technology behind getting the blog started in the first place!
I think the title 'Gospel High Notes' gives away the idea behind this blog:
It is a simple and accessible resource for singers in church who are struggling with their vocals and want some top tips on how to develop strong gospel vocals for singing both in and out of church.
Whether you sing in the choir, praise team, band or soloist, there is something for you right here. We even give tips on forming a praise team and directing a choir.
What you can expect to find is lots of info on
- Caring for your voice,
- The best vocal tips for gospel singers
- Workshops dates and other special events
- Contributions from famous gospel artistes
- Testimonials from our students past and present
- Videos demostrations
- Free Downloads
- Take part in our free online competitions
Not only that but you will also be able to
- Link to our website
- Read my latest articles
- Connect with us on facebook and Twitter
- View our favourite links
- Visit our recommended coaching sites
- And share your experiences and opinions on singing
If you are a singer this is the place to be for the best and most current vocal tips to build tantalising strong gospel vocals.
So take a few minutes to discover the site then sign up to keep up with all the latest hot gospel vocal news on the net.
Dionne Shand
SOS Vocal Training
Principle Coach
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