One Size Doesn't Fit all (Part 2)

This is a continuation from my previous blog: 'The Internet is now Substitute for a Doctor'.

In my last blog I warned of the dangers of relying on home made self help videos alone to learn to sing and develop your vocals.  Just like you  wouldn't rely on the internet to diagnose an illness and would go to a Doctor, so it should be with your vocal development. If you want to learn to sing there is no substitute for professional face to face advice with a Coach or Teacher who can guide you through your singing.

One Size Doesn't Fit All 

Another danger to using online videos is they cannot assess or judge the skills of who is listening or watching. 
They give demonstrations, instructions and, in a few cases, warnings but that's pretty much it.  They cannot look at the person watching and say: "This exercise would work best for you"

Whether you sing Gospel, Pop, Reggae, Rock,  the exercises you use to  build strong vocals  may differ slighty due to 

  1. your anatomical make up   (Are you male or female? )  and 
  2. how you brain recieves instructions.  (Visual, Audio Kinetic)


 Put Simply

Without getting all scientific and wordy, put simply we all learn in different ways and so determines the best exercise to use when teaching.  The wrong exercise can be counter productive and only make it harder for you to learn.

From experience, I have had to adapt to the singer in front of me. I have had to develop an exercise or explain an exercise in a different way so the student can understand what is being asked. If I only stick to general exercises, many of my students would not develop vocally. 

Online home made videos alone cannot provide this important extra detail to your training.

Get Advice

If you want to develop your vocals for ministry, my best advice is to get advice. If you were training to be a Pastor, you would go to Bible college or Seminary. If you wanted to craft your musical skills, you would go to music school  or find Teacher, if your ministry was Audio Visual, you would look for opportunities to practice your skills with a professional.

If want to build healthy gospel vocals look for a Professional Coach who understands the voice.

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