The Internet Is No Substitute For A Doctor (Part 1)

(This is the first in a two part blog about using online singing tutorial videos)

Nowadays if you suspect you have an illness, you can jump on the internet, type in your symptoms and wait for millions of random results to pop up in 0.00000012 secs.

But if you really suspect you have an illness of some type, would you soley rely on the internet to diagnose the problem? Or would take yourself off down to the Doctor’s surgery, patiently sit in a waiting room for 15 -20mins flicking through those out of date magazines you read the last time you were there, just to ensure you get a proper face to face full diagnosis? Of course you would.
It's a no brainer!

So why wouldn't you follow the same logic when learning to sing?

Internet Video Sites

What with the advent of Youtube, Howto, Vimeo and other such helpful internet video sites, many singers (including those who should know better) are turning to the online home made, self help video to learn how to sing or improve technique. And, to a degree, this is great. You can genuinely glean some great information and watch a demonstration of the vocal coach showing you what they can do and telling you what they know, but is this the best way to go about learning to sing?

I say no.

For instant, how many times have you, whilst sitting at home surfing on your computer/laptop/ipad/iphone, found a great vocal tutor online, who skilfully demonstrates a vocal exercise, only to find that when you try the exercise you can’t do it?

It looked easy, it sounded easy but vocally you couldn’t keep up with the tutor. They sounded great, but you sounded terrible.

Or you do manage to copy the exercise but still not sure if you have done it correctly?

Something is wrong, but what exactly?


The fact is, when it comes to learning to sing (and indeed your general health) the internet has it limitations And here are two of them:

  1. As great an invention the internet is, when it comes to the physical human contact, it is completely useless. The internet's job is to give you loads of information and.....well, thats pretty much it.      And
  2. Because it is only there to provide information, the internet cannot separate the truth from fiction.     Who is right?    Which exercise really works?    Can i sing, yes or no? The internet cannot answer this.        It's left up to you to guess.

And it is because of those points that I say no.

But I also say no because what many of these online self help singing videos don't inform you of is this:

It is impossible and dangerous(vocally) to learn to sing by just watching a video alone.

You still need to sit with a professional vocal coach who can watch you and ensure you are completing the exercise correctly.

Most important of all, a professional vocal coach is there to LISTEN to your vocals and help you address any singing problems in your voice. Something that a distant and grainy online video simply cannot offer you. 
You also have the issue of technique, some of which cannot be a learnt by watching a simple video online. ( I will be discussing technique in my next blog)

In short, the internet - with all its information - is no substitute for professional face to face advice when it comes to your vocal health. A human touch is always required.

I have a growing series of videos on Youtube for information purposes. You will even see the ones I personally subscribe to as well.

You are welcome to have a look, but when you've finished watching, go and find a professional vocal coach who can give you the proper face to face, 'hands on' advice you need to sing successfully.

Dionne                 Did this blog help? Leave your comments below.
