Gospel Singers: The Big Swindle

When you think of great gospel singing, which artist springs to mind?

Shirley?   Vanessa?   Cece?   Yolanda?   Vickie?   Kim?   A Clark sister?   or maybe it's Tonex or Marvin?

Perhaps its a choir like Brooklyn Tab or  legends such as Daryl Coley or Tremaine?

Whichever gospel artist you vocally admire they all have in common the ability to take you to heaven and back with their gifted vocal skills.  
Both Tonex and Daryl  can move through multiple octaves like a corkscrew rollercoaster and without a single break in the voice. Vickie and Vanessa belt with such power your heart literally goes out to the sound techncian and many choirs are so vocally dexterous you consider leaving  your one to join them.....well I do anyway.

They make it look easy.             Effortless.               A breeze.   They make you want to grab a mic and sing along with them.

But here's their trick.... the big swindle....the lie....the reality...the bit they don't tell you

        gospel singing is not easy.

Vickie may hit that note without flinching, but there is a lot of work going on 'behind the scenes'. Tonex may flip from his chest to his falsetto in a blink of the eye but there is a technique that goes into achieving it.

Imagine a duck beautifully gliding effortless along through the water 
but underneath is where all the hard work is taking place.

Ok let me put it this way. 

When watching or listening to a great professional singer it may look easy because the sound effortlessly comes out, but there is a hidden technique and  unseen training that ensures that singer successfully sustains their sound, tone and rhythm.


Developing great vocal technique doesn't happen over night, it takes practice and even then you still have to understand HOW to look after and maintain your voice.
The technique required to sing a heavy vocal style like gospel is not the same you would use for singing pop (although there are those who would disagree) or even classical. 

It is necessary to understand how the voice works and work with a coach who can correct technique.


Ok the title of this blog is inflamatory but  it's meant to get your attention.  And i hope it did.

Of course the singers mentioned above are not swindlers; they are exceptional vocalists who are so good they make gospel singing look and sound really easy. This is how it should be, but remember what they do requires technique and a good understanding of the voice. 

If you want to develop your vocals whether for worship ministry or choir, don't  jump in thinking it's as simple as opening your mouth and the sound coming out.   It's not.   It takes application to craft your voice into solid vocals of excellence that will last a lifetime.

SOS offer courses ranging from Vocal Power to Mastering Rifts and Runs. Book online or call 07790 262 381 for more details.

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